, +48 61 855 20 85


Showing 1-18 of 210 products:
shipment: Monday (29 July)
String Mop 350 g
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Pocket Mop 40 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Microfiber Mop pocket 40 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Microfiber Mop pocket 50 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Pocket Mop 50 cm
shipment: Wednesday (31 July)
Mop with handles 40 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Mop with handles 50 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Microfiber Mop with handles 40 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Microfiber Mop with handles 50 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
CLICK MONO flat rack 40 cm
shipment: Wednesday (31 July)
CLICK MONO flat rack 50 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
CLICK SUPER flat rack 40 cm
shipment: Wednesday (31 July)
CLICK SUPER flat rack 50 cm
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Aluminum mop handle
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Safety floor sign yellow
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Waste bag 120 liters of blue
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Waste bag 120 liters of red
shipment: Monday (29 July)
Waste bag 120 liters yellow

Splast sp. z o.o. is a Polish company that produces thermoplastic products for various industries and is a leading European manufacturer of professional cleaning equipment, widely used in efficient cleaning of offices, hotels, hospitals, schools, and industrial plants.

This family-owned company, founded in 1989, now employs 600 people in production plants and a Research and Development Center, which continually develops new technologies, products, and international patents. Splast's high-quality professional cleaning equipment is distributed not only in the Polish market but also to most countries in Europe. The manufacturer primarily offers:

Functional cleaning trolleys − service trolleys, waste trolleys, and hotel trolleys − lightweight, durable, and easy to handle, designed for specific tasks, available in various versions, including two-bucket sets, equipped with wringers and baskets,

Cleaning sets − featuring pleasant designs and equipped with all necessary cleaning aids, such as a jaw press for squeezing water and dirt and trays for detergents, allowing easy maintenance of cleanliness in hotels, offices, and public buildings,

String and flat mops, mop frames and handles, and consumables − all accessories prone to wear and tear that are useful during cleaning,

Waste sorting pictograms − designed to be affixed to bins and containers for sorting waste, helping to aesthetically organize waste collection.

Splast focuses primarily on solid and comprehensive solutions. Their cleaning sets offer a simple way to address a wide range of needs related to maintaining cleanliness in various public facilities.