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Elbow dispensers

Elbow dispensers for disinfectants and soap are not only easy to use but also extremely hygienic. They allow for the touchless acquisition of an appropriate amount of the product, which minimizes the risk of cross-contamination between users.

An excellent alternative to electric dispensers are elbow soap dispensers and elbow disinfectant dispensers, which are equipped with a special lever. The use of the cleaning agent is possible by pressing the lever with the elbow or the arm. Such devices are most often found in medical facilities, such as hospitals, especially in operating rooms, or in doctor's offices, where they are crucial for proper hand disinfection.

Showing 1-20 of 43 products:
Wyślemy: tomorrow
Elbow dispenser 0.5 l POP
Wyślemy: tomorrow
Elbow dispenser 1l POP
Wyślemy: tomorrow
Disinfectant And Soap Dispenser 500 ml
Wyślemy: tomorrow
Disinfectant / soap dispenser 1000 ml
Wyślemy: Wednesday (12 February)
Liquid disinfectant and soap dispenser 500 ml