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Learn how to easily save water in your home and in the world!


Do you ever brush your teeth with the tap running? Maybe you have an old toilet flush? These are just some of the reasons why your water consumption is higher than you would like. It turns out that on average, a resident of the European Union uses about 100 liters of water per day, but by changing a few habits, they could drastically reduce this amount. What can you do to decrease this number by at least 10-20 liters? Below are some ideas for solving this problem.

Global problem, local solution

According to analyses by many organizations from around the world, a water crisis is inevitable. According to experts from the UN, by 2050, every fourth person in the world will be affected by a lack of or limited access to drinking water. So how can we support organizations striving for a safe tomorrow for us and our children? It turns out that a few simple actions can have a positive impact on our environment and help prevent a disaster. The solutions we propose are simple and easy to implement at home, because that's where we need to start.


Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and shaving: This minimizes water consumption and is a simple daily practice.

Take a shower instead of a bath: Showers usually use less water than a full bath, especially if you are aware of the time spent under the water.

Don't fill the bathtub completely: You save water by only filling the tub halfway.

Take shorter showers: Limiting the time spent in the shower can significantly reduce water consumption.

Flush sparingly: Modern toilet flushes use less water, contributing to savings.

Install a shower head or thermostat: They help control water consumption while providing a comfortable bathing experience.

Fix leaking faucets: Even a small leak can cause significant water loss over time.


Conscious use of water.Saving water in the bathroom through conscious actions, such as turning off the water while brushing teeth or taking shorter showers, has a significant impact on the global crisis of access to drinking water. Every saved drop contributes to reducing the consumption of drinking water, which is crucial in the context of growing demand and limited water resources worldwide. Adopting simple water-saving habits in everyday life can significantly reduce our water footprint and support sustainable water resource management, helping to fight water shortages on a global scale. So, is this problem relevant to me?


Poland, with one of the lowest water availability rates in Europe and a problem with surface water pollution, faces the challenge of water scarcity. According to UNESCO, only 1% of water in Poland is of the highest class - first class, which can be used for drinking directly. Additionally, climate change and decreasing snowfall, which used to be a natural water reservoir, only exacerbate the problem. Therefore, conscious use of water resources and daily water-saving actions become not only a matter of saving money but a necessity for maintaining water availability for future generations.


How does the crisis affect Poland?In Poland, the historical approach to water management, focused on quickly draining water after winter snowfall, has led to the construction of an extensive network of drainage ditches. Currently, in the face of climate change and increasing risk of drought, this strategy requires careful revision. Maintenance work, including straightening and deepening rivers, which were meant to speed up water flow, now emphasize the need for new methods of water resource management, allowing for more water to be retained in the landscape.


Currently, in Poland, we have over 250,000 km of drainage ditches (for comparison, the total length of all rivers in our country is 150,000 km), of which 90% have permanently open valves, meaning they constantly drain water into rivers instead of retaining it in fields. Almost 90% of rivers in Poland are in poor condition and require immediate restructuring, meaning restoring them to a state as close to natural as possible. Among these corrective actions, "unblocking rivers" is mentioned as the most important, which involves removing barriers and restoring continuity to rivers.


According to the latest research, 77% of Polish lakes and almost 90% of Polish rivers are in poor condition. In addition to environmental changes, another reason for this state of affairs is the continuous influx of pollution of various kinds.


In summary, the current state of water resources in Poland requires urgent action to restructure and restore them to a more natural state. This includes unblocking rivers and implementing new methods of water management to retain more water in the landscape.Saving water at home is crucial in the context of the global threat of water scarcity. Practices such as turning off the water during daily activities, preferring showers over baths, limiting time spent in the shower, and fixing leaky faucets can significantly reduce water consumption. Poland, with one of the lowest water availability rates in Europe, faces the challenge of preserving water resources. Conscious use of water and investment in modern solutions are necessary for future generations.

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