, +48 61 855 20 85

Availability of goods

The goods offered in the online store have the following availability statuses:

Status What it means?
Dispatch within 24 hours Orders for this product placed on a given day before 1:00 PM can be dispatched within one business day from the order placement
Dispatch within 3 business days Orders for this product placed on a given day before 1:00 PM can be dispatched within 3 business days from the order placement
Dispatch within 5 business days Orders for this product placed on a given day before 1:00 PM can be dispatched within 5 business days from the order placement
Dispatch within 10 business days Orders for this product placed on a given day before 12:00 PM can be dispatched within 10 business days from the order placement
Lead time: ask the seller The seller is awaiting delivery of the goods and requests contact to determine the possible shipping date to the customer