, +48 61 855 20 85

Mops and frames

The frame, mop, pole, and mop holder are incredibly useful tools that allow for professional cleaning in medium to large-sized premises. The wide array of different types of such products provides extensive choice and the ability to match equipment to needs. The offer includes strip mops, string mops, flat mops, cotton, and microfiber mops. Flat mops are especially recommended for large, smooth surfaces like flooring, wood in places such as shopping centers, hotels, office buildings. Strip mops and string mops are recommended for cleaning surfaces particularly prone to frequent water stains or other liquids. When assembling a manual cleaning set, it's important to properly match each element. Available in the offer are various types and colors of mop frames (pocket, with ears, antibacterial, for string mops), mops (flat, string, strip)

Showing 1-18 of 128 products:
shipment: Monday (03 June)
Stelaż do mopa kieszeniowego magnetyczny CEG 40 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Pad prostokątny 25 x 11,5 cm czarny
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Antibacterial mop frame KLIK MONO 40 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Antibacterial mop frame KLIK MONO 50 cm
shipment: Monday (03 June)
Antibacterial mop frame KLIK SUPER 40 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Antibacterial mop frame KLIK SUPER 50 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Blue Splast string mop handle
shipment: Monday (03 June)
CLICK MONO flat rack 40 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
CLICK MONO flat rack 50 cm
shipment: Monday (03 June)
CLICK SUPER flat rack 40 cm
shipment: Monday (03 June)
CLICK SUPER flat rack 50 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Clip mop frame 40 x 11 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Clip mop frame 40 x 11cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Clip mop frame 50 x 13 cm
shipment: Wednesday (05 June)
Clip mop frame 50 x 13cm.
Special offer
shipment: Monday (03 June)
Clip mop with microfiber 40 x 11 cm.
shipment: Monday (03 June)
Cotton clip mop 40 x 13 cm
shipment: Monday (03 June)
Cotton clip mop 50 x 17cm.
Cleaning in a high traffic venue requires professional cleaning supplies. It's recommendable to purchase high quality mops, mop frames and handles. In our offer there are pocket mops, string mops, microfiber and cotton mops to all kinds of surfaces.