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Why should you not use your phone in the toilet?


In today's times, mobile phones are commonly used by people all over the world and have become an integral part of our lives. Most people carry their phone with them for most of the day, and many people even use it in the toilet. However, using the phone in the toilet can have serious consequences for our health and hygiene.

Cell phones are an integral part of our daily lives. We use them to communicate with others, check email, browse social media, and perform many other tasks. Many people have become accustomed to using their phone even in the most intimate moments - for example, while using the toilet. Unfortunately, this practice can lead to serious health and hygiene issues. In this article, we will discuss why you should not use your phone in the toilet.

Transfer of bacteria and viruses

The first threat associated with using the phone in the toilet is the risk of bacterial infection. According to research conducted by the University of Arizona, smartphones can contain up to 10 times more bacteria after using the toilet. Many of these bacteria are harmful to human health, such as Escherichia coli, popularly known as E. coli, or Salmonella. By bringing the phone into the toilet, we risk transferring these bacteria onto the surface of the phone, which we then touch with our faces, mouths, or noses.

In addition to bacteria, viruses can also be present in the toilet, such as the norovirus, which is highly contagious and causes symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. This virus can survive on surfaces for many days, and by touching the phone that we previously used in the toilet, we can transfer it to other surfaces, thereby spreading the infection.

Negative impact on the body and psyche

There are also studies that suggest that using the phone in the toilet can negatively affect our mental health. People who use phones in the toilet may experience increased stress and tension, as well as an increased risk of addiction to mobile devices. Introducing the phone into a private sphere, such as a toilet, can lead to an unhealthy habit of using mobile devices in other private places, such as bed or dining room.

We should also not forget that using the phone in the toilet can disrupt the bowel movement process, which can in turn lead to constipation and even digestive system diseases. Phones, especially smartphones, absorb our attention and often prompt us to prolong our stay in the toilet. This can lead to improper tension in the rectal muscles and disruption of intestinal peristalsis, which in turn leads to problems with bowel movements.

Risk to the device

By using the phone in the toilet, we expose our device to contact with moisture, which can lead to damage or breakdown of its sensitive elements. Toilet water contains a number of chemical substances that can negatively affect the operation of the device, and can also lead to its corrosion. Additionally, by using the phone in the toilet, we increase the risk of dropping it into the toilet or sink, which can result in permanent damage to the device.

In case the phone falls into the toilet, it can get damaged and become unusable. Moreover, repairing or replacing the phone can be expensive and time-consuming. It's also important to remember that water and electronics do not mix well, so a phone that has been flooded may be difficult or impossible to repair.


Using the phone in the toilet may seem convenient and sometimes unavoidable, but it should be avoided. It can lead to many unpleasant health and technical consequences, which can be costly and time-consuming to repair or treat. To avoid these problems, it's worth learning to put down the phone before going to the toilet and focus on relaxation and bowel movements.

Author: Marcel Apola